
DIGI-STEEL is a start-up and member of the Voortman Steel Group, which is one of the market leaders for steel machinery. With DIGI-STEEL we introduce the first fully cloud-based software solution for steel processors. It is the next generation steel workshop management software guiding our customer’s factories into the smart industry 4.0 era.

What are you going to do?

In steel construction, the quality of welds is highly of importance for ensuring structural integrity, durability, and safety. The welding process, particularly for fillet welds, is pivotal in achieving these objectives. Fillet welds are extensively employed for joining steel components due to their practicality and strength. The focus of this master's thesis assignment is to study the welding process, with a focus on fillet welding, via developing a comprehensive methodology. At first, finite element models are developed for stress analysis of welding paths. By developing experimentally validated finite element models, we will simulate the welding process to calculate temperature gradients, cooling rates, and residual stresses due to thermal shrinkage. Temperature gradient and cooling rate are the main controlling factors for microstructure formation of the welded paths. Understanding the influence of these two parameters is crucial, as specific microstructures are known to contribute to enhanced mechanical properties and overall weld quality in structural engineering.

Finally, welding paths can be optimized, using this model, to be tailored explicitly for welder robots. Therefore, this research aims to address the complexities of fillet welding optimization by integrating numerical simulation, and experimental validation. To achieve these goals, the following research steps are considered.

  1. Literature Review: Explore prior research to understand welding path modeling and optimization methods and challenges;
  2. Problem Definition and Scope: Define the project's objectives and constraints, specifying the types of welds and steel structures to be considered;
  3. Data Collection and Weld Quality Metrics: Gather data on steel materials and welding parameters and establish quantitative measures for weld quality;
  4. Numerical Modeling: Develop finite element models to simulate welding processes, analyzing temperature gradients, cooling rates and stresses;
  5. Welding Path Optimization Algorithm: Create an algorithm to optimize paths for accessibility and weld quality, considering robot capabilities;
  6. Software Integration (if applicable): If relevant, integrate the optimization algorithm into DIGI-STEEL software.

We offer

  • An internship/graduation allowance of €600,- per month;
  • An experienced supervisor from Voortman;
  • High-quality equipment and materials you need to do your job well;
  • Whether you are an intern or graduate; You will become a full member of our team. We consider that very important;
  • A very instructive internship or graduation period at our innovative organisation;
  • All the freedom and responsibility you need to successfully complete your assignment.

We are looking for

This problem has many aspects that need to be tackled that can be interesting to different study directions:

  • Msc Applied Mathematics;
  • Msc Applied Physics;
  • Msc Mechanical Engineering.








Seeing ideas become a reality: it sounds nice but it really does happen at Voortman. And these are ground-breaking ideas. We make the most innovative machinery and product lines for the steel construction and plate-processing industry and offer the most comprehensive service. For customers around the world. Going through the process with a customer to arrive at a production line that integrates seamlessly into his process. Regardless of how often we do it, it is special each time and provides a great deal of satisfaction.

Meet your colleagues

Valentijn Velten

The colleagues in the Product Management department are constantly asking themselves ‘how can we meet our customers' needs even better? Valentijn Velten talks in about his work as a Product Manager.

Dennis ter Harmsel

Dennis has been with Voortman for more than 10 years and, as Account Manager, is responsible for relationship management with our customers. He will take you along in his role.

Tom Nijhof

In our workplace, we work passionately every day to assemble our machines. From start to finish. Test Engineer Tom Nijhof knows all about it!

Sietse Tempelman & Ramon Annen

Our Installation & Commissioning Engineers are Voortman's adventurers! They travel the world to install or adjust our machines to the customer's process. How do Sietse and Ramon experience that? 

Jack Cater

Jack is a Software Developer at Voortman. Our innovative, cloud-based software helps automate and optimize our customers' production flow. What exactly is Jack working on?

Koen Lubbers

Our Finance department is capable of everything! Koen has been working as Financial Controller since 2021 and will take you around the department. What makes him enjoy being part of the team? 

Maarten Wieringa & Tim Schreurs

Maarten and Tim travel the world to make sure our customers' machines stay in top condition. Their job is very varied and technical.

Rutger Voortman & Gerhard ten Bolscher

Whether you clean the workshop on Saturdays, graduate with us or work in the office; you are part of the Voortman team! Rutger and Gerhard talk about what it's like to have a side job at Voortman.

Stef Rohaan

Building a machine sometimes requires thousands of parts. Our colleague Stef gives you a look behind the scenes at the Parts & Consumables department.

Peter Lanting

What our Software Engineers come up with is made on our own campus. After all, at Voortman we do everything ourselves! Software Engineer Peter shows you this process.

Frank Demmer

Every project undertaken at Voortman is based on an idea from the Engineering Department. Frank is Lead Engineer at Voortman. What does his job entail?

Wouter Rozenberg

The beating heart of every machine is the electrical control cabinet. The Cabinet Control Production is where these cabinets are assembled from start to finish. How does this work?

Robert Stegeman

Passion for technology and craftsmanship; that's what we are all about. Robert has been working as a Welder at Voortman since 2016. The best thing about his job? "That we build a complete machine from a steel plate."

Jessie Muller

Jessie started as a Mechanical Engineer Projects is now a Project Manager. Together with his colleagues, he makes sure the customer gets exactly what they expect. Take a look at the journey of our projects.